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Cornell University

Chemistry IT and Physics IT

Supporting Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Physics Instruction, and Physics Administration

Chemistry IT and CISER Collaborate to Serve Scientists’ Complex Computing Needs

A Cornell story on the ongoing collaboration between chemistry researchers, their local IT manager, and CISER (Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research) exemplifies how IT collaboration can fuel award-winning research:

ChemIT’s documentation for CCB researchers to access CISER’s powerful resources using CAS-funded subscription:

ChemIT, CISER, and CCB researchers.
From left to right: Oliver Habicht, Chemistry IT; Poul Petersen, Chemistry and Chemical Biology; Kim Burlingame, CISER; Janet Heslop, CISER; Brian van Hoozen, Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Not shown: Roger Loring, Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Photo credit: Luise Yacono
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